
Arké is a energy consultancy company in the energy and energy saving sector.


Our mission is to guarantee a professional and efficient service, carried out to meet the needs and expectations of our clients.

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What is an ESCo?

An ESCo (Energy Service Company)  is a company that supplies its clients with services aimed at achieving maximum energy efficiency.

These services are geared to a rationalisation of the use and generation of electricity in order to reduce consumption and use resources in most efficient manner possible.

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Latest news

LED Relamping

Substitute wasteful and obsolete lamps with intelligent LED lighting. Find out more

Solar heating offer

Arké has launched an offer for the installation of a solar heating plant. Just pay the installation and you will have free hot water for ever.

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arkesrl@guidogroup.com  PEC: info-arke@legalmail.it

C.F. - P.IVA: 03371190780

webdesign SkillGrafica

Registered office: Via L. Ariosto, 3  - 87100 - COSENZA (Italy) - tel. +39 0984 466654

North Italy operative branch: via Tonale, 9 - 20125 - MILANO - tel. +39 02 39289261

Central Italy operative branch: via Sante Bargellini, 4  - 00157 - ROMA - tel. +39 06 83952370

E.S.Co. Arké S.r.l.